Saturday, March 31, 2012

0 Weeks, Day 7: Nothing to Write Home About

Well, the flu passed through our household this week, but it didn't come through me!  My daughter Desiree caught the bug as it made its way through the fifth grade.  As for me -  nada.  No flu symptoms.  Yeah!  I'm glad.  It was difficult not to anticipate its onset, though. And funny thing (or not), I secretly questioned if I was given a placebo by accident or something!  I know, kinda crazy...I guess I was expecting the side effects to be some kind of proof that my body was responding to the medication.

After some intense Google searching, I read many blogs that ranted about the flu symptoms.  Then I read statistics that reported 20% won't get the flu-like stuff, 60% will struggle through it week to week, and the remaining 20% get it so severely they have to stop treatment all together. Ew. I hope to stay out of that last group and remain in that former 20%.  God willing...

So what did happen? 
  • Some fatigue, usually when I needed to eat.  But I don't have an appetite.  Weirdest thing.  So, I don't feel hungry, which means I'm learning to stay mindful of the last time I ate.  I am trying to do a better job listening to my body (All this self-care doesn't come naturally to me!).
  • Some shortness of breath, usually soon after an oral dosing.
  • As of this evening, a low grade fever.
  • And as early as Day 3, an itchy rash!  Boo.  This inconvenient rash enjoys dicovering new areas to grow, spread - and itch!
All in all, a great week!  I had good energy in the mornings, so I was able to maintain my cardio!  Woohoo!  Docs recommend I stay as active as I can handle.  Exercise is especially good for my emotional stability, since 60% of patients experience depression.

Tomorrow is injection #2!  I'll report back later on its effects (if any)!

So...the time you spent reading this blog is time you could have spent elsewhere.  I consider your time a gift.  THANK YOU!


  1. Yea! Yea! Minimum side effects... OK!!! So glad you created the Blog, my darling. I love it! Now I don't have to be "anxious" about how you're doing since I didn't want to bombard you with my texts or calls.(-: Sorry to hear about the flu bug hitting Desiree. What about Alana? Sending really BIG hugs & kisses to my Arizona family. Love you! Love you!

    1. I love you too mom! I'm grateful for technology that helps us stay close in spite of the miles! You can subscribe by email now. I think it will then send automatic updates to your Inbox.

  2. I am so proud of you and honored to call you sista!! you have this and I LOVE how you are being vulnerable, taking care of you and leaning on others!! you are NOT alone, dear sista and I will continue to pray that the side effects stay minimized!! I love you

    1. Thank you Mariann! You are a gift to me. And thanks for posting! I hope this blog continues to get regular views and comments so that patients in the future can be helped by my experience.

  3. Praising God (!) for you and your recovery.

  4. Dear Shellie, its been a long time since I talked to you but you and your family are always near my heart...ever since you took Karen as a sister at A&M i've loved you for that. I emailed your mom to ask if you were safe from the fires in Arizona and how your dad was doing and she linked me to your blog. You do everything with Grace and faith and I know all will be well with you always. May God continue to bless you and yours always is my prayer always. Laura
